NAATP Member Spotlight Highlights, Hatch Compliance, and talks with Mike Lifshotz, Founder and CEO

naatp mike

NAATP talks with Mike Lifshotz, Founder and CEO of Hatch Compliance. Hatch Compliance, an NAATP Affiliate Member, offers consulting as well as turnkey learning management system, human resources & compliance solutions preconfigured with all State, Joint Commission and CARF Solution. In the interview, Mike introduced Dear Compliance Officer, a newly launched resource to provide experts […]

Human Resources

Hatch Compliance provides all the necessary tools for your Human Resources requirements.

Role based learning management system that meets all accrediting body standards. All training and quizzes are automatically assigned to the user, depending on their role in the organization

Includes pre- made competency assessments to meet all accrediting body standards.

Includes all pre- made forms to meet all accrediting body standards.