Real Time Alerts & Notifications

Hatch’s Real-Time Alerts & Notifications help to ensure you & your staff maintain organizational compliance.

Avoid the stress of scrolling through spreadsheets or fumbling through papers to remember important deadlines. Using Hatch Compliance’s automated technology, you & your staff will receive time-based alerts for all compliance-related:

  • Renewals
  • PSV
  • Inspection
  • Training
  • Auditing

Notifications are sent to each team member 60, 30, & 10 days out of each audit or training refresher. 

Hatch’s role-based notifications give each of your supervisors unprecedented oversight of their department & their employees. Supervisors are notified whenever a form is created, read, updated, or deleted. Supervisors can then monitor, audit, & approve time-sensitive documents more efficiently. 

Hatch’s real-time alerts go the extra mile to ensure your facility’s continued compliance. Hatch technology constantly monitors & tracks all state & regulatory bodies, flagging any changes or updates to compliance standards. Real-time alerts of regulatory updates & changes are sent to you & the appropriate members of your team. 

To find out more about how Hatch Compliance’s Real-Time Alerts & Notifications can streamline your company’s compliance management, CLICK HERE to schedule a free demo today!


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We are a Team of Former Inspectors, Compliance Officers, Developers, and Healthcare Executives who saw a real need for a functional, analytical, and optimized platform for facilities. With our 40,000+ hours of experience, and painstaking creative efficiency –We designed Hatch.

Human Resources

Hatch Compliance provides all the necessary tools for your Human Resources requirements.

Role based learning management system that meets all accrediting body standards. All training and quizzes are automatically assigned to the user, depending on their role in the organization

Includes pre- made competency assessments to meet all accrediting body standards.

Includes all pre- made forms to meet all accrediting body standards.