Release Notes 02/27/2023

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FEATURES: Create “In Progress” card after on Client dashboard A new “In Progress” card has been added to the client dashboard, which allows users to easily identify forms that require extra attention. Clicking on the card opens a pop-up window that links to the specified form.   Dashboard Improvements The dashboard has been improved with […]

Gratitude – “If you never change your mind, why have one?”

“If you never change your mind, why have one” is my thought for the day. It’s really important to expose yourself to other ideas, people, culture, experiences, etc… This is how we grow as people. When we refuse to be open minded, we limit our ability to squeeze all the juice life has to offer. […]

Release Notes 02/20/2023

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FEATURES: Question mark bubble New question marker bubble now displays across application to offer more clarity for different features & how to use them IMPROVEMENTS:  Roles in “Assign Training To Role” not in alphabetical order Alphabetical order fix for Roles in training center pop up “Assign training to role” button now displays roles in alphabetical order Users […]

Gratitude – Don’t be neutral!

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When someone takes the stance, “there are three sides to every story”, in an attempt to remain neutral, in many circumstances, it is actually choosing a side. This can be very painful for one or both parties involved. In this week’s video, I break that down, and offer some ideas to use when you’re put […]

Release Notes 02/13/2023

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FEATURES: Weekly view has been added to calendar New Weekly tab has been added to To do list calendar with new clean UI Add “Required Sign Off” card to dashboard that reveals forms that require secondary signoff New signoff feature now displays forms that require a secondary sign off for HR user’s on dashboard   […]

Release Notes 02/06/2023

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FEATURES: Swap compliance cheat sheet for user compliance report Compliance cheat sheet has been removed & replaced with Compliance Report BUG FIXES:  Client is trying to delete a duplicate role that had been added before Bug that prevented company admins from deleting roles that had been previously deleted has been fixed & no longer prevents […]

Human Resources

Hatch Compliance provides all the necessary tools for your Human Resources requirements.

Role based learning management system that meets all accrediting body standards. All training and quizzes are automatically assigned to the user, depending on their role in the organization

Includes pre- made competency assessments to meet all accrediting body standards.

Includes all pre- made forms to meet all accrediting body standards.