Release Notes 07/17/2024

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IMPROVEMENTS:  Notification Emails:Changed “Support” email to “Notification” email to better manage client notifications this is not monitored by hatch support Automated Support Email Responses: Clients who email support@hatch will receive an automated response indicating that the email opens a support ticket and is monitored. Tooltips for Permissions:Enhanced tooltips in the Company Admin section for better […]

Release Notes 07/03/2024

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FEATURE:  Training Center Rating:A new feature now allows users to rate the Training center after completing a training in the training center, providing valuable feedback to improve the application.Improvements: IMPROVEMENTS:  Inactive Status for Compliance Forms:Users can now set form answers to “Inactive” status, allowing for the exclusion of certain documents from the compliance report. Auto-Populate […]

Release Notes 06/20/2024

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FEATURES:  Pre-Hire Document Checkmarks:Pre-hire documents now feature pre-check checkmarks, making it easier to identify required documentation for new hires. IMPROVEMENTS:  Enhanced Department View:Users can now be assigned to departments with enhanced capabilities, including the ability to edit document creation dates, view compliance scores, and track training progress when assigned as a manager. “Not for Me” […]

Release Notes 05/08/2024

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FEATURES:  COMPANY ADMIN: Customized Welcome Emails:Company admins can now personalize welcome messages for new users, enhancing the onboarding experience. IMPROVEMENTS:  Modal Size Enhancement:Modals throughout the application have been enlarged by 90%, providing users with a better viewing experience. Username Restriction:Users can no longer use email addresses as usernames during account creation in both the Company […]

Release Notes 04/24/2024

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FEATURES: Percentages Display for Reports/Graphs:Implemented a feature to display percentages at the top of the page for reports and graphs, providing users with an overview of average percentages for all reports. Completed Form History for Compliance:Introduced a new feature allowing users to access completed form history directly from compliance reports, facilitating easier tracking of submissions. […]

Release 04/10/2024

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Supervisors QuickLinks:Implemented the ability for supervisors to set default quick links, enhancing usability by providing quick access to frequently used features. Assign Tasks to Multiple Roles:Improved task management by enabling users to assign tasks to multiple roles, offering more flexibility and efficiency in task assignment. Notification for Training/Form Updates:  Implemented notifications to alert users when […]

Release Notes 03/27/2024

release notes min 2048x1196

FEATURE: Introducing Repeated Task Functionality: We’re excited to announce a new feature that empowers users to create tasks with customizable intervals, whether it’s daily, weekly, or monthly, enhancing task management flexibility and usability. IMPROVEMENTS: Enhanced Task Assignment in Training Center: Creating tasks from incomplete trainings now automatically populates the “assigned user” field based on the […]

Release Notes 03/13/2024

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IMPROVEMENTS:   Enhanced Migration Feature: Users will now receive clear notifications about missing fields between parent and child forms during migration, ensuring seamless data transfer and completeness.  Expanded Mass Uploader Validation:Mass uploader validation is now accessible outside the HATCH application, allowing users to validate uploads conveniently without logging in. Customizable Result Limit for Compliance Reports:  […]

Release Notes 02/28/2024

release notes min 2048x1196

FEATURES:  Introducing the Ability to Define Custom Banners:Now, HATCH administrators can personalize user experiences by creating and assigning banners to companies, locations, or entire states, enriching the platform with tailored messages and announcements. IMPROVEMENTS: Improved Navigation from Graph View:  Users can now seamlessly transition from graph displays back to the form answer list view, enhancing […]

Release Notes 02/14/2024

release notes min 2048x1196

FEATURES: Leadership Concept: Now, admins can effortlessly establish management departments for users with leadership roles, enhancing organizational structure and facilitating effective team management. IMPROVEMENTS:  Secondary Notification Check: Stay on top of critical form sign-offs with our new secondary sign off notification checkbox, ensuring timely alerts for leadership positions Regulations Modal Updates: Searching and filtering regulations […]

Human Resources

Hatch Compliance provides all the necessary tools for your Human Resources requirements.

Role based learning management system that meets all accrediting body standards. All training and quizzes are automatically assigned to the user, depending on their role in the organization

Includes pre- made competency assessments to meet all accrediting body standards.

Includes all pre- made forms to meet all accrediting body standards.