Release Notes 03/27/2023

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IMPROVEMENTS: IMPROVEMENT: WORKFLOW change link to white when on red background Red and Green backgrounds in the workflow tool bar have been made transparent for better readability of requirements. The workflow toolbar has been improved to help users better navigate through the tool. The UI/UX design of the workflow feature has been updated for a […]

Gratitude – Let’s talk about tough times and relativity!

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Today’s quote and thought is dedicated to people who are struggling right now. “You can’t fully appreciate sunshine, unless you’ve spent time in the rain. ” I want to reflect on that quote and how it’s relevant in our every day lives. Happy Gratitude Wednesday, thank you for watching my videos. I really appreciate your […]

Release Notes 03/21/2023

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IMPROVEMENTS:   Date Time Filter Enabled User button, switches strings on load A new improvement has defaulted the date time filters more consistent across the application. This change is designed to make it clear to users what data they are currently viewing. This improvement is expected to improve user experience and increase efficiency.    Location […]

Gratitude – Let’s talk about giving and taking!

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If you’re looking to build long lasting, fulfilling relationships, try to give more, and stop keeping score. Happy Gratitude Wednesday everyone. Today’s thought is near and dear to my heart, and has been a big contributor to my personal happiness, and ability to build relationships. I hope you find it valuable.

Release Notes 03/13/2023

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IMPROVEMENTS:   Add a scroll bar to workflow tabs for better usability Workflow tabs now have a scroll bar for better usability when dealing with a large amount of primary requirements. This improvement ensures users have an easier time navigating through requirements in the workflow tabs.  Save and add new button when submitting forms The […]

Hatch Compliance’s learning management system ( LMS ) is considered best in the behavioral health industry

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Hatch Compliance’s learning management system (LMS) was built by a team of Behavioral Healthcare Compliance experts, and is considered best in the industry because it provides several key benefits to organizations. Their solution includes all training required by State, Joint Commission and CARF for Mental Health, Substance Use Disorder(SUD) and Eating Disorder treatment.   Automatically […]

Gratitude – Let’s talk about the journey of life!

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Life only has one endpoint. If we live like all we care about is the target or goal, and don’t find ways to embrace and be present to the process of getting there, we miss life. Happy Gratitude Wednesday everyone. Thank you again for all your support. I hope you have a great rest of […]

Human Resources

Hatch Compliance provides all the necessary tools for your Human Resources requirements.

Role based learning management system that meets all accrediting body standards. All training and quizzes are automatically assigned to the user, depending on their role in the organization

Includes pre- made competency assessments to meet all accrediting body standards.

Includes all pre- made forms to meet all accrediting body standards.