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Release Notes 11/22/2023

release notes min 2048x1196


Training Center Functionality – Trainings Updating

Users will now receive a notification when a training is updated, informing them that their current certificate is for the previous version of the training.


Add completed task for senders
A new improvement now notifies users of completed tasks when creating tasks for others, enhancing the notifications feature.

Training Center Score – account for optional trainings

The Training Center now accounts for optional trainings, providing a more comprehensive score.

When no user compliance requirements display why

User compliance now displays “HATCH Admin” when viewing user compliance as HATCH admin, providing additional context.

Compliance To Do Card needs “For Others”

A “For Others” tab has been added to the compliance to-do cards, offering clearer task organization.

Create a task- Change field “name” to “name of task” to alleviate user confusion

The field name has been changed from “Name” to “Name Of Task” when creating or opening a task, reducing user confusion.

Account Manager Modal should have 3 points – Need help using the system / report a bug to hatch / need consulting?

The Account Manager modal now directs users based on their needs, providing options for reporting bugs, accessing training, or seeking consulting.

Task Detail Modal to open edit instead of show

The task detail modal now directs users to the edit mode when creating a task in a form that is in edit mode, improving user experience.

Remove Competencies from Compliance ToDo Card on Dashboard

Competencies have been removed and will no longer appear in the Compliance to-do card on the dashboard, streamlining task visibility..


Task create not showing all users

Fixed a bug that prevented the correct users from loading in form drop-downs, ensuring the correct users are displayed


Task Create Assign To Role not working

Resolved a bug that hindered users from creating tasks by role, and now users are appropriately notified by role when a task is created.

Disabled users showing in HR doc libraries

Fixed a bug that displayed disabled user documents in HR doc libraries, ensuring that only active user documents are displayed.

Workflow shows requirement index shows completed

Bug that would show forms as completed but when clicked on appear as incomplete have been fixed 

Creator not able to see their forms they created for another(related) user

Bug that prevented users from accessing forms that they have created for another(related) user has been fixed & will now display on the form index page

Enabled users showing in disabled user filter reported in Marker IO 

Bug that would display disabled users when filter for active users has been fixed & no longer displays disabled users in active filter

We are constantly improving

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Human Resources

Hatch Compliance provides all the necessary tools for your Human Resources requirements.

Role based learning management system that meets all accrediting body standards. All training and quizzes are automatically assigned to the user, depending on their role in the organization

Includes pre- made competency assessments to meet all accrediting body standards.

Includes all pre- made forms to meet all accrediting body standards.