Gratitude – Building Resilience: Transforming Adversity into Superpowers

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In this video, Mike shares his thought for the day, highlighting the power of turning adversity into a strength and skill set. He emphasizes the importance of recognizing the skills and abilities developed through challenging times. Mike expresses gratitude for the connections he has made through his videos and shares an upcoming visit from his […]

Release Notes 06/27/2023

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IMPROVEMENT:  Add more description functionality to task manager The description section in the task manager has been improved, providing additional functionality for better task management.  Improve To Do List performance Deleting todos in the todo list now performs faster, enhancing the overall responsiveness and efficiency of the application.  Review permissions for Surveyors and State Inspector […]

Gratitude – Breaking Free from Social Media Comparison: A Healthcare Perspective

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In this gratitude video, Mike discusses the importance of not comparing our happiness to others, especially based on social media portrayals. He encourages viewers to focus on their own journey, be present, and appreciate their unique experiences. Mike expresses gratitude for his father on Father’s Day and shares his excitement about a cooking class with […]

Release Notes 06/19/2023

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IMPROVEMENT:  Save compliance object and score per location per dayA new improvement has been implemented to generate a report and maintain a history of compliances scores per location, providing a comprehensive view of compliance performance over time. Show alert related to user compliance for HR docs & competenciesAn alert message has been added to compliance […]

Release Notes 06/12/2023

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IMPROVEMENT:   Create Compliance Report every 24 hours A new improvement has been implemented to calculate location compliance scores on the backend ever 24 hours, ensuring accurate and up to date compliance data for each location   Allow EOC Compliance role access to Location Compliance The location compliance report is now accessible for users with the EOC […]

Gratitude – Shifting Perspectives: Finding Strength in Difficult Times

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In this gratitude video, Mike shares a thought for the day centered around the idea that both good and bad times are transient. He emphasizes the importance of persisting through tough times and finding valuable lessons and personal growth within them. Mike also expresses gratitude for overcoming a long-standing stressor in his life and celebrates […]

Gratitude – Breaking Free from Industry Constructs: Embracing Authenticity

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In this video, Mike shares his thoughts on societal constructs and their impact on individuals. He highlights how rigid expectations of gender, recovery, and sexual orientation can create a damaging environment for both ourselves and others. Mike encourages viewers to critically examine their own constructs and strive for understanding and empathy. Additionally, he expresses gratitude […]

Release Notes 06/05/2023

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 IMPROVEMENT:   Mark Alerts as read we assignee acknowledges “Mark Read” button When a todo is completed, notifications related to the task assigner are now automatically removed to avoid unnecessary clutter. The new improvement marks alerts as read when a task is assigned by another user, ensuring better visibility.   Create a full page view […]

Human Resources

Hatch Compliance provides all the necessary tools for your Human Resources requirements.

Role based learning management system that meets all accrediting body standards. All training and quizzes are automatically assigned to the user, depending on their role in the organization

Includes pre- made competency assessments to meet all accrediting body standards.

Includes all pre- made forms to meet all accrediting body standards.