Pre-Hire Document Checkmarks:
Pre-hire documents now feature pre-check checkmarks, making it easier to identify required documentation for new hires.
Enhanced Department View:
Users can now be assigned to departments with enhanced capabilities, including the ability to edit document creation dates, view compliance scores, and track training progress when assigned as a manager.
“Not for Me” Function in Compliance To-Do Box:
Added a new button in the compliance to-do box, allowing users to indicate whether a task is relevant to them, improving task management and clarity.
User Role Promotion with Document Retention:
Implemented a feature allowing users to move from one location to another within the same company with a different role, while retaining all previous job title documentation and trainings in the new employee file.
500 Error on Moving Competency (Marker IO):
Fixed a bug that caused a 500 error when moving competencies, ensuring smooth transitions of competencies to different locations.
500 Error on Moving Competency (Marker IO):
Fixed a bug that caused a 500 error when moving competencies, ensuring smooth transitions of competencies to different locations.