Duplicate/Moving Multiple Forms:
New feature allows users to move or duplicate forms for different locations within a company.
Policy and Procedures:
New feature now allows Policy Manager forms to be moved between locations inside a company.
Training Center Assigning Required Training:
New feature allows users to assign training by roles for all users that have the role.
Users Able to Skip Training Content:
New feature now requires users to stay for the training duration, no longer allowing users to skip trainings.
Regulation Links Not Working:
Bug that directed users to an error page when clicking links in user/location compliance has been fixed, now properly directing users to the regulations page.
Review Company Admin Bugs:
Bug that directed users to an error screen when they had no company admin locations has been fixed, no longer displaying an error message.
Some Managers Will Need to Be Blank:
Bug that would automatically set users as competencies managers has been fixed, removing users as comp managers when they do not have the correct roles.
Cannot Submit Feedback:
Bug that would send users an error message when submitting feedback after a training has been fixed, now properly allowing users to enter long feedback.
Emails to Retake Trainings that are No Longer Assigned:
Bug that would send emails to users to retake a training that they were not assigned has been fixed, no longer emailing users that are not assigned trainings to retake.
Clinical Supervisions Notification Leads to Error:
Bug that directed users to an error screen when clicking the required approval card has been fixed, now properly directing users to the form they intended to click.