Release Notes 08/14/2024

release notes min 2048x1196


Departments Feature Should Only Show Competencies Assigned to Location:
New improvement now ensures that only competencies assigned to a location are displayed on the admin side of the application.


Error When Submitting Training NPS:
Bug that allowed users to enter excessive characters under feedback has been fixed and is now limited to 16,000 characters.

Screenshot 2024 08 19 101827

Marker IO: Departments Feature Should Only Show Competencies Assigned to Location

New improvement now displays all competencies from the location to the admin side of the application

Screenshot 2024 08 19 101846

Users Unable to Add New:
Bug that prevented users from clicking the “Add New” button when trying to create a new entry has been fixed, now properly allowing users to create new entries for all form types.

Screenshot 2024 08 19 101954
Screenshot 2024 08 19 102009

Manage Training Permissions:
Bug that prevented users from managing training permissions has been fixed, now properly allowing users to manage and assign trainings.

Screenshot 2024 08 19 102145

Orange Side Error Code:
Bug that prevented users from accessing user activity in the company admin has been fixed, now properly allowing access to user activity.

Screenshot 2024 08 19 102205

Error in Training Client Index Page:
Bug that directed users to an error screen when impersonating a user in the training center has been fixed, now properly allowing access to the training center.

Screenshot 2024 08 19 102224

Unable to Generate Certificate for Completed Training:
Bug that prevented users from generating certificates for completed trainings has been fixed, now properly allowing certificate generation for all completed trainings.

Screenshot 2024 08 19 102307

Email Notifications/Email Links & Subject:
Bug that sent email notifications for disabled users has been fixed, now only sending emails for active users.

Screenshot 2024 08 19 102334
Screenshot 2024 08 19 102354
Screenshot 2024 08 19 102534


Compliance To-Do Box Loading Time:
Performance improvement made to increase loading times for the compliance to-do card.

We are constantly improving

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Human Resources

Hatch Compliance provides all the necessary tools for your Human Resources requirements.

Role based learning management system that meets all accrediting body standards. All training and quizzes are automatically assigned to the user, depending on their role in the organization

Includes pre- made competency assessments to meet all accrediting body standards.

Includes all pre- made forms to meet all accrediting body standards.