Release Notes 09/11/2024

release notes min 2048x1196


Make LCR Understand Shifts:
A new feature allows admins to enable “Shifts” in the red side of the application, ensuring the compliance report accounts for different shifts and their respective responsibilities.


“Is Supervisor” Didn’t Work on Mass User Upload
Bug preventing mass uploads of users with the “IsSupervisor” role has been fixed, now properly uploading these users.

Completed Testing Of OCR
Bug that caused OCR to fail in uploading documents for new users has been fixed, allowing documents to be uploaded correctly.

CLIA Waived Competency (Old Data/Related Forms) Stuck in Required Approval for Assessor
Bug that showed old data in the Required Approval card has been fixed, now only displaying new data.

“Manage Training Permissions” Should Be Recorded in User Activity

Bug that prevented the recording of training assignments in user activity has been fixed, now properly tracking these actions.

Error Message when creating user on Orange Side

Bug that caused an error screen when creating a new user in the company admin section has been fixed, now allowing users to create users without errors.


Extend Rehire Functionality Window to 90 Days Before Date of Hire
functionality window has been extended to 90 days prior to the date of hire (DOH) in the user compliance report, up from the previous 30-day window.

Implement Role List to Client Side & Company Admin
A new role list has been added to both the client and company admin sides of the application.

Improvement: Add CKEditor to welcome banner
New improvement has added CKEditor to welcome banner feature 

# of Assigned Trainings is Inaccurate
Tooltips have been added to explain discrepancies in training and quiz counts.

Create “Case Manager Supervisor” Role
A new role, “Case Manager Supervisor,” has been added, duplicating the permissions of the “Case Manager” role.

Make reoccurring HR Documentation/Competencies Due Date Populate Based on Hire Date NOT Last Submission
Recurring HR documentation and competency due dates will now be based on the date of hire (DOH), rather than the last submission date.


Update Cron Manager for Long Commands
Backend code improvement to handle longer commands in Cron Manager.

We are constantly improving

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Human Resources

Hatch Compliance provides all the necessary tools for your Human Resources requirements.

Role based learning management system that meets all accrediting body standards. All training and quizzes are automatically assigned to the user, depending on their role in the organization

Includes pre- made competency assessments to meet all accrediting body standards.

Includes all pre- made forms to meet all accrediting body standards.