Release Notes 03/13/2023

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Add a scroll bar to workflow tabs for better usability

  • Workflow tabs now have a scroll bar for better usability when dealing with a large amount of primary requirements. This improvement ensures users have an easier time navigating through requirements in the workflow tabs.

 Save and add new button when submitting forms

  • The “Save & Add New” button has been added to form submissions to allow users to save a form and be directed to a brand new form submission instead of being directed to the show grid. The new improvement saves time and allows for faster form submissions.


Update review highlight color to reflect status

  • The review highlight color now reflects the status when clicking on a specific form in user compliance. This new improvement visually displays the status by color and makes it easier for users to see the status of the form.


Auto open release notes when logging in to app

  • A new improvement has been added to auto-open the release notes modal for clients when a new release has been pushed. This new feature ensures clients are always informed of the latest updates.


Anonymous forms are not being tracked 

  • New improvement now allows HR users to track anonymous submission in user activity




Date range filter not working

  • A bug that prevented users from changing date range filters across the application has been fixed & now allows users to make changes to date range filter for better usability


Required fields are not being un-highlighted when completed in hr workflow tab

  • A bug that prevented the orange outline from changing when a user completes primary requirements in the HR workflow tab has been fixed & now effectively reflects when primary requirements are met in workflow tab


If I click on a required sign off notification it directs me to the form, but I want to click on +Add Task & this button does not work from here

  • A bug that prevented users from adding to-do tasks from the required sign-off card has been fixed.


Error 500 when clicking load data in user profile

  • A bug that displayed an error 500 message when clicking “load data” in user profile has been fixed & no longer directs users to error 500 page


Fix past due days calculation on user compliance report

  • A bug that displayed incorrect days calculated in the user compliance report has been fixed & now properly calculates due dates correctly in user compliance report

list of regulators is not in alphabetical order

  • The list of regulators in “Find in Hatch” has been organized in alphabetical order for better usability.

We are constantly improving

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Human Resources

Hatch Compliance provides all the necessary tools for your Human Resources requirements.

Role based learning management system that meets all accrediting body standards. All training and quizzes are automatically assigned to the user, depending on their role in the organization

Includes pre- made competency assessments to meet all accrediting body standards.

Includes all pre- made forms to meet all accrediting body standards.