Release Notes 04/10/2023

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Add ability to download all active users certificates with 1 click

  • New feature now allows users to download all training center certificates from Disabled User, Enabled Users & All Users in location. This feature provides users with the ability to download certificates with just one click, saving them time and effort.




Add the [Download All Certificates] to the User Profile

  • New improvement now allows users to download training certificates from the user profile. This improvement makes it easier for users to access their certificates and eliminates the need to navigate through multiple pages to find them.


Highlight and Icon for Completed records with missing workflow requirements

  • New improvement now displays “Completed” & pop ups a message when a workflow has been updated with new required fields after a form has been completed already with first set of rules. This improvement helps to ensure that users are aware of any changes to workflow requirements and prompts them to take action if necessary.


Dashboard Tasks Card should have check to mark as completed

  • New improvement has added a loader to completed task to show user that something is happening when completing task from the to do card on dashboard. This improvement provides users with feedback and reassurance that their actions are being processed, reducing any potential confusion or frustration.


The only users in client side drop downs should be users who have the corresponding owning company.

  • New improvement has removed users that don’t have current owning company of the location there in & will no longer appear in any user drop down on application. This improvement enhances the accuracy of user data and ensures that users only see relevant options when selecting from a drop-down menu.


When we add the [State] to forms, Somewhere as a header or on the bottom, showing the state they are in

  • New improvement has added states to locations drop down for users to see which locations is where etc. This improvement provides users with more information and context when selecting a location, making it easier for them to choose the correct one. Example “Test Location (TJC) | FL”

Can we add an open and close like [+] and [-] button next to the different categories in the user profile 

  • New improvement has added close & open buttons for load data in user profile so user can close columns. This improvement gives users more control over the data they see in their profile and enables them to customize their view based on their preferences.





Look over Mobile view for client side of application

  • Bug that prevented users from accessing training center, creating forms & Logging in has been fixed & now is working as expected allowing users to access training center, creating forms, & logging in like normal. This bug fix ensures that users can use the application as intended, without any unexpected issues or errors.


Task managers not deleting or completing task

  • Bug that prevented users from completing or deleting task from to do has been fixed & now allows users to complete & delete task. This bug fix ensures that users can manage their tasks effectively and efficiently, without any unexpected errors or issues.

We are constantly improving

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Human Resources

Hatch Compliance provides all the necessary tools for your Human Resources requirements.

Role based learning management system that meets all accrediting body standards. All training and quizzes are automatically assigned to the user, depending on their role in the organization

Includes pre- made competency assessments to meet all accrediting body standards.

Includes all pre- made forms to meet all accrediting body standards.