Release Notes 04/24/2024

release notes min 2048x1196


Percentages Display for Reports/Graphs:
Implemented a feature to display percentages at the top of the page for reports and graphs, providing users with an overview of average percentages for all reports.

Completed Form History for Compliance:
Introduced a new feature allowing users to access completed form history directly from compliance reports, facilitating easier tracking of submissions.


Performance Enhancement for Admin > Locations:
Optimized the loading time for the admin locations page by displaying only active locations, resulting in a faster user experience.

Visibility Improvement for Edit Button:
Enhanced the visibility of the edit button in view mode, making it more prominent and easily noticeable for users with editing permissions.

Update Background Screening Consent PDF Form:
Revised the formatting of the PDF format for background screening consent forms, ensuring that users can view and print entire pages without any issues.


Drug Screen Results Displaying Incorrect Info:
Resolved a bug that caused forms results to populate with other user & related users information, ensuring that the creator’s information is displayed accurately.

500 Error on View Companies Page:
Fixed a bug that led to a 500 error page when creating a company admin instance and pressing the back button, ensuring a smooth user experience without errors.

Company admin 500 Error on View Companies Page:

Fixed a bug that led to a 500 error page when creating a company admin instance and pressing the back button, ensuring a smooth user experience without errors.

Workflow Fields Not Highlighting Required Fields Correctly:
Addressed a bug where invisible required fields were not highlighted, allowing users to complete workflows without any hindrance.

Compliance Todo Card Note Update:
Fixed a bug where other form requirements were displayed under US compliance reports, updating the note to mention that only HR compliance requirements are shown.

Displaying Roles Available at the Location:
Fixed a bug that displayed roles from other companies in company instances, now only showing the proper roles for each company.

Fix User Activity Error Page: Client Side
Addressed a bug that directed users to an error 500 page when using user activity, now properly loading the user activity page without errors.

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Human Resources

Hatch Compliance provides all the necessary tools for your Human Resources requirements.

Role based learning management system that meets all accrediting body standards. All training and quizzes are automatically assigned to the user, depending on their role in the organization

Includes pre- made competency assessments to meet all accrediting body standards.

Includes all pre- made forms to meet all accrediting body standards.