Release Notes 06/12/2023

release notes min



Create Compliance Report every 24 hours

A new improvement has been implemented to calculate location compliance scores on the backend ever 24 hours, ensuring accurate and up to date compliance data for each location


Allow EOC Compliance role access to Location Compliance

The location compliance report is now accessible for users with the EOC compliance role, addressing the clients request and enabling effective management of location compliance


Change Date Picker UI to Calendar Picker on DtCreated

The UI for date selection in forms, HR docs, & Competencies has been updated with a datepickr, making it easier for users to select and backdate forms


Add “State Policy Builder” to all Locations
The State Policy Builder has been added to locations, facilitating compliance management for the compliance team.




Fix ordering of compliance to do’s

The bug causing incorrect ordering of overdue & past-due competencies has been resolved. Competencies now display in the correct & now direct users to comps need to be completed.

 Users with an HR role can not edit employees from [Access Manager]

The bug that prevented HR users with the HR role from editing employees in the access manager has been resolved. HR users can now successfully edit employees as intended


Allow disabled Users to appear on drop downs for completed forms

Bug that removed users attached to forms when they were disabled has been fixed. users now remain on the form even when disabled, allowing for tracking of inactive users and documents.


Create an order of alerts when creating duplicate users

Bug preventing proper display of error messages when creating a user with duplicate email and username has been fixed. user are now notified of the necessary steps to resolve this issue


We are constantly improving

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Human Resources

Hatch Compliance provides all the necessary tools for your Human Resources requirements.

Role based learning management system that meets all accrediting body standards. All training and quizzes are automatically assigned to the user, depending on their role in the organization

Includes pre- made competency assessments to meet all accrediting body standards.

Includes all pre- made forms to meet all accrediting body standards.