Release Notes 12/20/2023

release notes min 2048x1196


Quick Links

Introducing a new feature that empowers users to customize their left navigational bar with Quick Links, providing seamless navigation for a more personalized experience.


Compliance Report- Add ability to duplicate latest answer

Save time with our latest improvement that allows users to duplicate entries in the Compliance Report, streamlining the data creation process.

Remove Form Requirements from Compliance To Do card

We’ve simplified Compliance To-Do cards by removing form requirements, now exclusively displaying HR documents for a more focused and streamlined workflow.


Redirect to dashboard not current page when impersonating

We’ve fixed the bug redirecting users to an “unauthorized page” when impersonating a user without access to specific areas based on roles. Now, users will be directed to the dashboard for a more seamless experience.

We are constantly improving

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Human Resources

Hatch Compliance provides all the necessary tools for your Human Resources requirements.

Role based learning management system that meets all accrediting body standards. All training and quizzes are automatically assigned to the user, depending on their role in the organization

Includes pre- made competency assessments to meet all accrediting body standards.

Includes all pre- made forms to meet all accrediting body standards.