Hatch Compliance’s learning management system (LMS) was built by a team of Behavioral Healthcare Compliance experts, and is considered best in the industry because it provides several key benefits to organizations. Their solution includes all training required by State, Joint Commission and CARF for Mental Health, Substance Use Disorder(SUD) and Eating Disorder treatment.
Automatically Assigned courses based on the role(s) they are responsible for and your licensing and accrediting requirements.
Pre- programmed renewal notifications let your staff know when a training needs to be taken or renewed based on your licensing and accrediting requirements.
Customizable: The Hatch Compliance LMS can be customized to meet the specific needs of your organization. This allows you to create and deliver your own training programs and timeframes that align with their specific policies and procedures and comply with relevant regulations.
Automated tracking and reporting allows organizations to track employee completion of trainings, and generate reports on what hasn’t been completed, making it easy to track employee progress.
Accessibility: The Hatch Compliance LMS can be accessed from any internet enabled computer or mobile device, making it easy for employees to complete training at their own pace and on their own schedule.
Scalability: The Hatch Compliance LMS can be used by organizations of any size, with little training, reducing the implementation burden, and allowing staff to start completing training courses almost immediately.
Hatch Compliance’s learning management system (LMS) is considered best in the behavioral health industry because it includes all necessary training courses, requires no programming or compliance knowledge from the provider, includes all notifications in one system, and meets all licensing and accrediting standards. This makes it easy for behavioral healthcare organizations to ensure that all employees receive the training they need, in compliance with relevant regulations, and track employee progress and completion.